In a shocking turn of events following Survivor Series, CM Punk made a triumphant return to WWE after a decade-long absence, eliciting one of the loudest pops in the history of the wrestling entertainment giant.
Punk wasted no time in setting ambitious goals for himself, aiming to secure victory in the Royal Rumble and subsequently headline WrestleMania. However, fate had different plans.
The Royal Rumble unfolded with high stakes, and it was Cody Rhodes who emerged victorious, last eliminating Punk from the match. Unfortunately, this was marred by a significant setback for Punk, as he tore his right triceps in the process.
The unforeseen injury to Cody Rhodes prompted WWE to undertake drastic changes to the WrestleMania 40 plans, altering the intended headline match that was supposed to feature CM Punk.
In an interview conducted by Caroline Pearce at UFC 298, CM Punk took the opportunity to reflect on what was originally envisioned for WrestleMania 40 before the injury reshaped the landscape.
“I was going to headline WrestleMania,” said Punk. “Obviously, now I’m not. But, you know, it’s sports. It’s what happens to athletes.
“Mentally, I think it’s harder because the physical pain is whatever. But, I look at it just like a bump in the road.
“This is an occupational hazard. It happens and I’ll be back bigger and better. I’m a clumsy idiot. I tore my left triceps about two years ago, so the right one was jealous," he added.
As for returning inside a ring, SummerSlam or early fall looks possible.
“We’re thinking maybe six to eight months,” said Punk. “But, I’m not really in a rush to get back to compete," he maintained.
“I’m in a rush to get healthy. I’m in a rush to get better. The sooner I do that, the better I’ll be when I come back," he concluded.