Umar Akmal spends Eid in graveyard

Former Test cricketer Faisal Iqbal also spent some time in graveyard for his late mother

By Web Desk
May 03, 2022
Source: Twitter/Umar Akmal

LAHORE: National cricketer Umar Akmal spent some time with his late mother in graveyard on the occasion of Eid-ul-Fitr. 

In a heartfelt note, Akmal shared life is nothing after losing mother. "Love you ami [Mother] miss you ami," he wrote. 

Former Test cricketer Faisal Iqbal also spent some time in graveyard for his late mother. "Eid without parents is empty and irreplaceable. 1st Eid without my mother. Allah give my parents and grand parents the highest place in Jannat ul Firdos (Paradise) InshAllah Ameen," Iqbal shared on Twitter. 
